
speaking of silkworms Learn more about speaking of silkworms

  • New technology of rearing silkworm scientifically

    New technology of rearing silkworm scientifically

    The silkworm, Bombyx mori, is a completely metamorphosed silk-spinning insect among the thermophilic animals. After four times of sleep and five instar periods of 26-28 days, the larvae ate more than 20 grams of mulberry leaves to mature silk cocoon, the cocoon was white, the weight was about 1.8-2.3g, the cocoon shell rate was 20-23%, the silk length was 1000-1400 meters, and the silk diameter was 2.63.2 points. Usually, there are 1.8-20000 silkworms in a piece of silkworm eggs, which need 50,600kg mulberry leaves and can produce 30-40kg silkworms. At present, the new scientific breeding techniques have the following five points

  • How many days does it take for silkworm eggs to hatch? How to keep it until next year? How to judge whether the silkworm eggs are alive or dead?

    How many days does it take for silkworm eggs to hatch? How to keep it until next year? How to judge whether the silkworm eggs are alive or dead?

    China is the first country in the world to raise silkworms to produce silk fabrics, which originated from the period of the Yellow Emperor and has a history of more than 4000 years. The silkworm goes through four different stages in its life, namely, egg, larva, pupa and adult. How many days does it take for silkworm eggs to hatch? What?

    2020-11-11 Silkworm eggs hatching need how much days how save to next year
  • Silkworm feed formula

    Silkworm feed formula

    The silkworm is a common insect in our country. It likes to eat mulberry leaves. After four times of molting, it turns into a silkworm pupa and spits out white silk. It is used to make silk quilts and masks. It has a wide range of uses. Almost all of them are farmed in the south. How to make the silkworm feed formula?

    2020-11-11 Silkworm feed formula silkworm yes China common a kind of insect
  • How to raise young silkworms

    How to raise young silkworms

    Bombyx mori is a common insect in southwest China, which will produce cocoons and produce various silk quilts in the later stage, so the breeding value is very high. If you want to raise silkworms well, you must raise young silkworms. How to raise young silkworms? 1. Prepare the young silkworms that have just hatched in cartons.

    2020-11-11 Young silkworms how to raise silkworms are common in southwest China.
  • How many days does the silkworm grow?

    How many days does the silkworm grow?

    Silkworm growth cycle is about 40 days, its development and temperature, humidity, food and so on are related. Generally, it takes 10-11 days for the green stage and about 25 days for the larval stage. Specifically, the first instar is 4-5 days; the second instar is 3-4 days; the third instar is 4 days; the fourth instar is 6 days; the fifth instar is 7-9 days;

    2020-11-11 silkworm of growth cycle number days
  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    Silk is the main raw material source of silk, and sericulture is one of the important economic sources of the family in ancient times. In the small-scale peasant economy, traditional men and women weave silk. It can be said that silkworms play an important role in the economic life and cultural history of ancient China. that

    2020-11-11 Silkworm how raise silk is silk main raw material source
  • Where can I sell silkworm chrysalis? How to choose high quality silkworm pupae?

    Where can I sell silkworm chrysalis? How to choose high quality silkworm pupae?

    Silkworm pupa is the silkworm pupa, unique taste, rich in nutrition, the most important thing is rich in protein, eating can beauty, is a favorite food for many people. So where can I sell silkworm chrysalis? How to choose high quality silkworm pupae? Let's learn about it. Silkworm pupa

    2020-11-27 Silkworm pupa where have sell how select high quality silkworm pupa yes silkworm
  • Ten ways to prevent silkworm disease

    Ten ways to prevent silkworm disease

    1. Look at population development. When collecting ants, the hatching is uneven, the size of the silkworm is uneven, the head is big and the tail is small, and there is much silk spinning, crawling around the silkworm seat, indicating that the body is weak. In the process of feeding, touch the silkworm with the hand or lift the silkworm, such as the silkworm contraction, the resistant silkworm is the healthy silkworm, which shows physical weakness without feeling. Big silkworm period, touch the silkworm with the back of the hand, feel cold for the healthy silkworm, have a sense of dampness and heat, indicating that the physique is not strong. two。 Look at the posture before and after molting. When the healthy silkworm molts, its head and chest are held high and the skin is molted together. If you stay awake for a long time, you will fall asleep later.

  • How can silkworms not die? Where is the best place to put it?

    How can silkworms not die? Where is the best place to put it?

    For silkworm babies, I believe many people will have love and pity, and the cute little ones are growing tenaciously every day, so how many days does it take for silkworm eggs to hatch? How can farming not die? Where is the best place to keep it? In fact, sericulture can be a hobby.

    2020-11-11 Silkworms how breeding no will die put where the best
  • Stick to the silkworm house for 24 years to become "Mr. Silkworm"

    Stick to the silkworm house for 24 years to become

    Stick to the silkworm house for 24 years to become "Mr. Silkworm"

  • Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    When it comes to silkworms, we are no stranger. I think many people, like editors, had the experience of sericulture when they were young, but at that time we were raising silkworms for fun, as a kind of good memories of childhood. But many people have to make a fortune by sericulture.

    2020-11-08 In summer and autumn sericulture pay attention ten o'clock speaking of silkworms in fact everyone it is not
  • Silkworm materials to be prepared before sericulture

    Silkworm materials to be prepared before sericulture

    When it comes to silkworms, maybe many people, like Xiaobian, had the experience of raising silkworms when they were young. Although we were just raising and playing at that time, the process of silkworm breeding from an egg to the final cocoon was always the same, and its breeding process was more or less the same.

    2020-11-08 Sericulture before to prepare of sericulture material speaking of silkworms maybe
  • The difference between mulberry silk and tussah silk

    The difference between mulberry silk and tussah silk

    The difference between mulberry silk and tussah silk

  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    Sericulture in China has a history of thousands of years. In ancient times, many people began to raise silkworms. It can be seen that the development prospect of sericulture is very good, otherwise it would not have been continued to this day. How to raise silkworms and put it in a cardboard box or sieve it?

    2020-11-08 How sericulture in our country sericulture has been good thousands of
  • Half are worms and half are flowers, commonly known as immature grass, the price is very expensive 500 yuan to buy half a jin.

    Half are worms and half are flowers, commonly known as immature grass, the price is very expensive 500 yuan to buy half a jin.

    Warm Tip Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems! Speaking of Cordyceps sinensis, the first thing that comes to mind is Cordyceps sinensis.

  • What should we pay attention to when spraying foliar fertilizer on rice?

    What should we pay attention to when spraying foliar fertilizer on rice?

    Generally speaking, it is most suitable to spray early rice at the stage of big embryo, initial heading, grain filling and full heading, which takes more than an hour per mu. If spraying fertilizer is at the heading and flowering stage, it should be sprayed before flowering in the morning and after 4 p.m. Processing liquid fertilizer all kinds of available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, triacontanol, borax, silkworm manure and human and animal urine can be used as foliar fertilizer, which is not much per mu, but it should be processed into liquid fertilizer first. The day before the quick-acting chemical fertilizer was sprayed, it was dissolved with 5: 10 times water to prevent withered grass leaves from being sprayed. Human and animal urine should be released first.

  • Prevention and Control of Corn Field Tiger

    Prevention and Control of Corn Field Tiger

    This year is the worst drought in a century. Due to the drought, the tigers in Taiyi Township of Dali City are seriously affected. The ground tiger is also called the ground silkworm, the soil silkworm and the root cutter. It is a common underground pest. The life of the ground tiger is divided into egg, larva, pupa and adult (moth).

    2020-11-08 Planting corn ground tiger prevention and control this year once in a century
  • Heart-holding orchid

    Heart-holding orchid

    Holding the heart is a petal-shaped orchid with a pocket at the tip of the petal. People often give names according to the form of admiration. Briefly described below: Bombyx mori holding-two petals (heart) toward the end of the thick and curved medicine bag close, just like a pair of moth eyebrows, known as silkworm moth holding, such as Chunlan Song Mei. Guanyin holds the heart-- that is, the early combination of two petals.

  • First aid measures after poisoning in silkworm breeding

    First aid measures after poisoning in silkworm breeding

    Since May 2006, sheep in some large mutton sheep breeding parks and some mutton sheep farmers in our county have often developed liver bdellosis (fascioliasis). The disease is characterized by the adult parasitism of Fasciola in the liver and bile duct of sheep, causing swelling of the lower jaw of sheep.

    2020-11-08 Breeding silkworm poisoning after first aid measures since 2006
  • Square character Chunlan

    Square character Chunlan

    Selection of Fang surname in Ningbo around 1920. The leaf posture is semi-pendulous, the leaf is thick, and the leaf tip is obtuse. The leaves are dark green and slightly glossy. The bract shell is red-purple-green. The flower has three round heads, the long feet are at an angle, and the ends of the petals are held inward. A word shoulder, petals dark green stripes. The silkworm moth is hilarious, with a white edge at the end, such as the tongue. The color is green.
